.She's 093 learnt lots of communication skills this last month. In fact, the last two (since she started dagis) have been amazing in terms of how muchg she'nhj57 ty has learned and how fast. "Ring!" she has just told me, and then explained with gestures that she meant 'take your silver celtic knot ring off, Daddy, so I can first put it on and then hurl it across the room really hard so you lose it under the sofa for a while.'
Yeah, it's cute that she's talking, enough so that I fall into the idiot trap of doing what she tells me. a
ynn6ghyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyystop it! Daddfy is tuyping jrusitynowhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhno, get off.
It's been a busy couple of months. I've been devising and rehearsing a play with local theatre powerhouse GEST. Working full time (a rare joy for this actor) was exhausting, coupled with going straight to Dagis to fetch the girls. What should we have for dinner? Pasta with no sauce and frankfurters? But we've had that every day for the last six million years, god dammit. Why can't you let me exert my will as alpha male in the house just once, you pack of she-devils?
Alpha male, hah. Omicron is nearer the mark.
Riddles with F, courtesy of the back of the breakfast milk carton.
"What can a rat draw as easily as an Elephant?" I ask her. The riddle works better in Swedish, the verb dra is more like pull or drag, and my translation makes the answer a bit too easy.
"Breath!" says F, happily.
"What can cross a river without moving?"
"A bridge!"
V comes in and is impressed, F is pretty good at these. "Who always wears his hat on his feet?" she asks.
"Mummy!" snaps F. "That is wrong! You asked the wrong number! Don't! Do! That!"
The answers are obviously harder if you ask the riddles out of order. F writes her own one by way of revenge.
"Daddy, what is red and goes over water and can't stand still?"
I have no idea. Luckily for my reputation, neither does F. Answers on a postcard, please.
Time out for me, starting tomorrow. Off to Kuala Lumpur for my brother's wedding, leaving the family at home. Mixed feelings as usual, the bubbling glee that the prospect of sixteen hours of flight/sleep brings tempered with the massive guilt complex of abandoning the family nest for a week. You can see where my head's at by the fact that I think the wedding is less exciting than sleeping on the plane right now.
Halloween has been heavy on F's mind these last few weeks. Pumpkins everywhere, and much talk of spooks, In the spirit of this haunted day (see what I did there?), F has written, illustrated and performed her first ghost story, which I here reproduce for your eerie titillation. Reader, beware.
The Blood Ghost
Once upon a time there was a ghost. She made a dress out of blood, and then she put it on a coat hanger.
When she put the dress on, she was very scary. She scared everybody, a pumpkin and a witch and spook and some bats. Even you, Daddy.
And then she took her dress off because she was too scary. Everyone could see she was just a ghost underneath and it was okay again. Then that was the end.