Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Gosh, time goes by terribly fast. I was bouncing F on my knee the other day. She's well over two foot tall now, it's getting tougher on my knees daily. I can't really believe she's the same baby that only a handful of months ago was able to lie fully stretched out on my chest without hanging over the edges. Aww, I thought with a tint of rosy spectacle, those days are already done. I miss them!

As though to remind me of the perils of fond hinder-gazing, F immediately got her first cold and spent the entire night awake and yelling. Not aggressive or miserable yelling, just 'hey, I'm awake, let's play a game' yelling. To start with, anyway. The miserable aggression came later, once she realised that mummy and daddy weren't up for it at three in the morning.

I got her cold soon after (she'd caught it from V, who'd caught it at the theatre). I made mine much worse by doing a stage fighting gig out at a local fortress. It was lovely weather, I didn't think I need a coat. Especially as I'd be dressed in a 17th century velvet frock coat and leaping from assorted battlements, wielding a rapier. Seeing as my Swedish is still pretty lousy, I hadn't realised I'd be expected to stay on after the fight for almost four hours, standing about looking gormless as a foil for the tour guide's wit. Professionally gormless, you understand, I was acting it. The fact that said wit was also too Swedish for me to follow merely helped.

By the time I got home, I was running a fever. I didn't sleep beyond an hour that night, and that was grabbed on the sofa because I kept waking F up by sneezing in the bedroom. Luckily, F was pretty much better the following day. For her, anyway. She couldn't understand why daddy didn't want to play at three in the afternoon either, very unreasonable.

P.S. - The long pause since the last blog is partly due to this cold. It knocked me pretty flat for a week or so last month, when all this happened. I'm a terrible one for getting out of habits if I'm thrown off my routine. I'm still planning on writing something roughly once a week. I can't imagine I've left anyone horribly bereft by skipping a few weeks, but apologies if you thought we'd all been kidnapped or something. I'm back now, and I have a few catch-up blogs to make up for the pause. 

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