Sunday, March 10, 2013

Which? Mattress - Baby's Choice

Traditional Mattress
Daddy Mattress
Basic Features
Wide selection of Cores

Wide selection of Colours

Wide selection of Sizes

Wide selection of Materials

Easily replacable

Basically just one model plus you’re stuck with it for life

Broadly good, although variable from mattress to mattress

Broadly good, although can decrease with excessive usage. The balance of your Daddy is affected by sleep deprivation, dehydration and other complex emotional factors, and care by one of our licensed professionals (Mummy) is advised

Prone to infuriating shifts in position when you didn’t ask for them, although responds well to corrections through the medium of shrieking

Claimed vs Measured Firmness
Depends largely on the brand, filling and price range, but usually pretty close to model  specifications as stated in stores

Generally lags behind model specifications as stated in clothing stores, online database descriptions, etc

Ease of Movement
For the average two-month-old baby, extremely poor

All-Terrain coverage on 4-limb drive

Multiple speeds

Can be easily summoned to your location through amazing new ScreamResponse technology

Very dependent on local climate
Self-heating, plus monitors your body temperature and can adjust your clothing as appropriate

Extremely limited

Generally immune to criticism or physical violence

Incredibly adaptable, will move to support your every weird pose, including random position shifts accompanied by heart-rending howling at 0330

In-built entertainment system, includes yankable ears and hair, endless supply of nonsense speech and suckable digits, plus can import favourite toys and games on demand

Monitors your health and can fetch medical attention or, better still, Mummy at a moment’s notice

Surprisingly tolerant of physical shocks.
In later life, prone to anxiety or regret unless occasionally reassured that he remains useful and loved

Will need flipping or rotating every few months

Highly absorbent of fluids

Some symptoms of a broken or worn-out mattress include visible permanent sagging or deformity, lumpiness, excessive squeaking and springs that can be felt poking through the upholstery layer

Depending on the foundation and core materials, your mattress can last you 7-10 years

Responds poorly to flipping, rotation may cause dizziness

Poorly absorbent of fluids, but basically self-cleaning so not a big problem

Some symptoms of a broken or worn-out Daddy Mattress include visible permanent sagging or deformity, lumpiness, excessive weeping and neuroses that can be detected poking through the smiling exterior

Lifetime guarantee, although may become void when you start bringing your own partners home to sleep

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