Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Birthday part 1

My understanding is that there are three stages to labour in Sweden. It's an understanding based on personal experience, perhaps, but no less valid for all that.

Stage 1 - Crisps and Ice Cream

You get to stay at home for this bit, mostly, occasionally popping over to the midwife to check that everything's going well. Although it's maybe a little nerve-wracking, the two biggest problems during this stage are feeling bored and running out of comfort food.

Between the water breaking and the offical verdict that we'd moved on a stage, we managed 48 hours of this. Towards the end, we went back to the hospital and decided that actually, going back and forth all the time was a bit too tiring so we'd just stay put. We'd eaten all the ice cream by this point, so there was nothing worth going back for anyway.

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